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Areas of Expertise

Organizational Cultural Assessment

Problem:Some have said that they feel they are treated unfairly in the organization. Others say they are not promoted when they should be. Many say they are not heard.



  1. Conduct a Strategic Source Review of HR policies, data for the past 3 years, employee complaints, and so on.

  2. Facilitate Culture Sessions with up to 60% of the organization to listen to the heart of what's going on in the culture.

  3. Write Assessment and socialize with stakeholders.

  4. Share Assessment with employees.

  5. Collaborate with internal team to address systemic issues.

Inclusive Retreat for BOD

There have been complains that the BOD is not inclusive. The BOD is all white. They are nervous and want to come together as a team to address the issues.


  1. Design 2-day retreat for BOD.Content includes an examination for each individual;'s worldview as well as legacy issues that have made an impact on their lives.

  2. Group process the differences and bridges between their expereinces.

  3. Create an action-plan to collaborate on processes and policies to open their structure.


Leadership Development

Facilitated workshop on Inclusive Leadership Competencies for International Leadership Association conference in Geneva. Participants, including leaders from the United Nations and IONs, provided feedback that they would use these techniques within their areas of responsibility. Content from this workshop derives from my dissertation, on facilitating inclusion.



A new law was tabled to segregate civilians based on language. A group was gathered to publicly discuss their feelings and potential impact of the legislation. Follow-up actions were identified to act on initiatives that addressed the legislation.



In collaboration with US-based organization, co-facilitated workshops to identify cultural issues within the organization.



In collaboration with an a D&I colleague, created and facilitated an anti-racism course in the wake of the murder of Floyd George for US-based participants. This online workshop was run over 8 weeks.

Sweet Spots

Systemic Influences

Systemic biases, be they racist, gender-based, cultural, or any other divisors, require systemic interventions. Oftentimes, these structural influences have existed so long that they are blindspots for leaders. Identifying them and constructing new structures leads to transformed system integrations.

Individual Accountabilities

Each of us possesses a worldview that is both unique and founded on values, beliefs and assumptions. I'll help you surface your biases and change those that sabotage your inclusive aspirations. We'll also find ways to work with and learn from your responses to differences.

Establishing Baselines

Individuals, groups and organizations each have their own beliefs and cultural norms. They act as baselines for operations, actions, and outcomes. An examination of baselines provides the opportunity to assess if they are working in alignment with our aspirations, both individually and in community. Assessments provide choices about steering into the future.

My Approach

My Approach

With organizations:


I meet your organization where you are. Together, we will agree about the Return on Investment and Return on Human Assets to provide the metrics for our work together. And then the learning begins! I'll use audits and other data gathering tools to get a view of the big picture. Finally, I'll suggest some activities and interventions to cultivate growth that is inclusive and sustainable.


With individuals:


​Each of us possesses a worldview that is both unique and founded on values, beliefs and assumptions. I'll help you surface your biases to change those that sabotage your inclusive aspirations. We'll also find ways to work with and learn from your responses to differences.


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